The testimonials
Many of the vibrant testimonials below are in French. English-language testimonials are highlighted in orange. To learn more about this project see the section ABOUT.
Community media
A+. 2011. « J’te le dis, J’te le dis pas … » (Magazine article) [Written by the author]. L’Injecteur, mai, p. 8.
Brunet, Yves. 2013. « La Mesure de l’Amour – Yves Brunet’s epic journey with HIV » (Magazine article) [Written by the author]. Vision positive, été, p. 8-10. CATIE.
Monteith, Ken. 2013. « Hiding from Acceptance » (Blog post) [Written by the author]. Positive, 22 January.
Naomi. 2013. « Ma vie avec le VIH » (PDF copy of a magazine column) [Written by the author]. Remaides Québec, no. 16 (été), p. X.
Peltier, Doris. 2008. « A Grandmother’s story: Journey of an HIV Positive Aboriginal woman » (Magazine article) [Written by the author]. Bloodlines, No.8, Spring. West Vancouver : Red Roads HIV/AIDS Network Society.
André. 2012. « Starting HIV Treatment: André’s Story ». (Web page and video) [Interview with the author]. CATIE.
Bruno. 2012. « Pour que chacun prenne sa place ». (Web page and video) [Testimonial by a spokesperson]. Je suis séropositif. COCQ-SIDA (Awareness campaign).
Bureau local d’intervention traitant du Sida (BLITS). 2007. Hommage à la vie. (DVD) [Interviews with four individuals]. Victoriaville : en collaboration avec Les Productions Benoit Jean, 30 min.
Kerrigan. 2012. « Starting HIV Treatment: Kerrigan’s Story ». (Web page and video) [Interview with the author]. CATIE.
MIELS-Québec. 2013. VIH et résilience (Video) [Interviews with four individuals: Raymond, Jeannine, Marie and Luc], 6 min.
Mouvement d’aide et d’information Sida [M.A.IN.S.] Bas Saint-Laurent. 2006. Moments de VIH (video) [Interviews with people living with HIV/AIDS]. Rimouski, 16 min. Video available on DVD (French only), for more information contact Jean-François Babin at 418-722-7432.
An excerpt of this video is included in the VIHsibilité (2000-2012) compilation.
General news media
Beaudoin, André-Pierre. 2013. « Vivre avec le VIH depuis 30 ans » (Magazine article) [Person’s profile by the journalist Karina Osiecka]. La Frontière , 27 novembre.
Bruno et Emelyne. 2012. « On peut vivre avec le VIH/sida et être un citoyen à part entière » (Magazine article) [Based on an interview with the journalist Ève Lévesque, as part of the campaign Je suis sépositif]. Journal de Montréal , 29 novembre.
Bernard. 2013. « Témoignage sur le SIDA avec Bernard, porteur du VIH » (Video) [From a series of videos posted alongside the full episode]. 30 secondes pour changer le monde, Épisode 1, « Le SIDA » (TV show). Télé-Québec.
Bruno. 2012. « Je suis séropo » (Radio program) [Interview with the journalist Catherine Perrin as part of the campaign Je suis séropositif]. Médium large, 11 décembre. Radio-Canada
Specialized news media
Boullé, Denis-Daniel. 2013. « Vivre avec le VIH depuis 30 ans : Témoignages » (Magazine article) [Based on interviews with three individuals : Roger Le Clerc; René Lavoie; André Patry]. Fugues, 25 novembre.
Film and documentary video
Duke, Alison. 2012. Positive Women: Exposing Injustice. (Documentary) [Interview with seropositive women]. Toronto : Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network & Goldëlox Productions, 45 min.
Duke, Alison. 2008. The Woman I Have Become. (Documentary) [Interview with seropositive women] Toronto : Women’s Health in Women’s Hands / Goldëlox Productions, 60 min. An excerpt of this video is included in the VIHsibilité (2000-2012) compilation.
Testimonial Cultures project. 2013. VIHsibilité (2000-2012) compilation (DVD) [Features testimonials by people living with HIV/AIDS from Quebec and Canadian productions between 2000 and 2012]. Institut de recherches et d’études féministes (IREF), Université du Québec à Montréal. Features excerpts in French and English, with subtitles in both languages. To receive a copy, please complete and submit this order form.
Excerpts included in the compilation :
Turning 20 . Kim Simard & Jessica Mayne, 2008. Montréal : AIDS Community Care Montreal (ACCM), 40 min.
General Idea: Art, AIDS and the Fin de Siècle. Annette Mangaard, 2008. Toronto : CFMDC, 47 min 50 sec.
Fig Trees. John Greyson, 2009. Toronto : Greyzone, 104 min.
Brisons le silence . Martin Mailloux & Comité Lipo-Action, 2005. Montréal, 7 min.
Community-based research / academia
Aylestock, J., Laperrière, H. et Zúñiga, R. 2013. Chez nous, c’est chez toi : une étude exploratoire sur le VIH et le logement au Québec (Illustrated report) [With testimonials by People living with HIV/AIDS in photo-essay format]. Ottawa, Université d’Ottawa, École des sciences infirmières, 25 pages.
Community communication campaigns
COCQ-SIDA. Since 2010. C’est le sida qu’il faut exclure, pas les séropositifs [HIV/AIDS is the problem, not the people living with it] (Website; blog) [Testimonials by spokespersons] (Awareness campaign).
2012. Je suis séropositif (Web pages; videos) [Testimonials by 5 spokespersons] (3rd part of the campaign).
Emelyne. 2012. « En parler peut changer leur vie ». (Web page; video) [Testimonial by a spokesperson]. C’est le sida qu’il faut exclure, pas les séropositifs, Je suis séropositif (Awareness campaign). Coalition des organismes communautaires québécois de lutte contre le sida (COCQ-SIDA).
2014. Bienvenue dans notre communauté (Web pages; videos) [Testimonials by three spokespersons] (4th part of the campaign).
2014. Campagne des acquis et des défis (Web pages; posters) [6 situations that may face PHAs] (5th part of the campaign).
About the project
Partnership to assess the impact of testimonials by people living with HIV/AIDS is a community-based research project led by Ken Monteith (COCQ-SIDA) and Maria Nengeh Mensah (UQAM) with funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the CIHR Centre for REACH in HIV/AIDS (REACH 2.0). The project brings together people who have given public testimonials about their experiences; researchers from UQAM, Concordia, and the OHTN; as well as a number of community partners: GRIS-Montréal, BLITS, GAP-VIES, MIELS-Québec, MAINS Bas St-Laurent, STELLA and AQPSUD.
Members of the project’s working committee reviewed a wide range of testimonials in order to develop an evaluation tool that could be used to assess their impact. During discussions held in 2014 and 2015, the committee decided to compile a list of thirty testimonials that they found to be particularly striking or inspiring and to make this one-of-a-kind list available to others as a tool for raising awareness. All individuals whose testimonials were included on the list were contacted in advance to obtain their permission.
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